Yesterday afternoon, one of my clients signed off on a decision to move forward with a printing system in the neighborhood of $100,000. As a result, this client is going to be able to eliminate nearly $500,000 in annual expenses that are spent outsourcing documents that will soon be designed, printed & finished in-house.
Of course, there will still be the expense of printing their documents (including paper, reduced by roughly $.19 per page), personnel to operate their new Print Shop, increased electrical expenses, and professional finishing equipment. Needless to say, there is some upfront investment required on their part. So, what exactly are they gaining by making this investment?
First of all, they no longer have to wait for a job to be printed by an outside source, nor do they have to purchase a large volume of that job in order to achieve a reasonable cost for producing the piece. Secondly, if there is a particular piece that they are "on the fence" about, they no longer have to weigh the financial risks of producing it or electing not to. Instead, they can print EVERY piece On-Demand at an unprecedented 90 pages-per-minute in vibrant color.
Third of all, what typically happens if an organization decides they want to make changes to a particular publication or marketing piece? Of course, we all know the answer: they have to either liquidate or dispose of the existing inventory AND incur the expense of paying to have the piece printed. Now, my client will have the flexibility of printing as many of a particular piece as they need, when they need it to eliminate waste and will also be able to create future editions without waste or unnecessary dollars spent.
After working through this process with my client for nearly 2 years, I am extremely excited to be part of an implementation that will result in so many positive things for my client for years to come. I also cannot wait to see this part of their organization grow by leaps and bounds moving forward, & because of the quality of the people I've worked with on this project, I know this is going to make a dream that was 6 years in the making become a reality.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
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